Wednesday, October 30, 2013

White South Africans killed enmass!

Writing about “Black on White” attacks are not my effort to drive a racist wedge between different population groups, but to highlight the plight of the White population in South Africa. Almost all of these murders are totally ignored by the media. Because of Apartheid people are so oversensitive about the race issue that any atrocity afflicted on the White population by the Black population is either ignored, explained away and in the worst cases applauded! I have heard people say that white people being brutally murdered, raped and families destroyed is just retribution for the past and that this nation must just swallow it. There are more psychopaths out there than one thinks! Those committing the crimes and those silently agreeing to it fall in the same category!

From only 1 January 2013 to 27 June 2013 there were 230 “Black on White” attacks. 97 MURDERED, 17 women and 2 men RAPED, in most cases by a whole gang! There were 3 people left with PERMANENT BRAIN DAMAGE and 1 PARALYSED. There were 102 FARM ATTACKS and 30 people MURDERED during these attacks.
All of this happened from only January 2013 and does not include the thousands of other such cases since 1994, when the ANC took over Government of SA.

In one whole year, there was one attack of a white man on a black man which was with a golf club on a golf course. There were 3 weeks of media attention given to this case and it was labelled as a “Racist Golf Club Attack”.
Less than 20% of the black on white attacks have been reported in the media and never once was it called a racist attack.

When there is “Black on Black” violence like Somalis killed by South African black people it is called Xenophobic attacks. When there are Black Lesbian Women raped and killed by Black Men, they call it Corrective Rape (sickening!) All of these attacks are atrocious and shows the sick mentality of a huge population group in South Africa. At least those cases get media attention! Even the Somali President, Sheik Mohammed, contacted SA president, Mr Zuma to “act immediately” to arrest those responsible.

I do not condone any violence, whether it is black on white or vica versa. Life in general is too valuable to be destroyed in such a manner.

A huge part of this issue is the media not reporting on the problem of “Black on White” attacks. I am asking myself if the government is hushing up the media, or if they are so scared of the ANC that they just keep quiet. HOW PATHETIC!

Thank God for Social Media! The truth will come out whether those trying to manipulate and justify the facts want to or not!

Now and again an article finds its way into the international media.

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