Wednesday, October 30, 2013

hatecrimes by black people

Hatecrimes by black people

Elderly White Lady Tortured With Boiling Water, Strangled

An elderly white lady was strangled in her house in Pullenshope, South Africa, on 1 June 2012.

Julie Cruse (72), who was the owner of a liquor store in the town was found by one of her employees in her house on 2 June.

The grandmother was overpowered by (obviously black) men, repeatedly kicked in the face, and eventually strangled.

boer genocide in south africa
Julie Cruse (72) murdered

The gang tortured the elderly woman for hours by throwing boiling water on her legs. An iron was found next to her corpse, which the attackers used to burn her on her stomach before they murdered her.

The murderers fled with about $700, perfume, 3 pairs of shoes and a golden necklace. They left her car in the garage.

This was obviously just another RACIST HATE CRIME in South Africa which the government is doing nothing about. The International media is silent about these murders.

Source: Elderly white woman tortured with boiling water before being strangled

Please help to spread the word about the plight of white South Africans and the genocide which is taking place with very little opposition from the ANC government. Take a moment to think about what it would feel like to be tortured with boiling water and a hot iron before you are strangled for $700.

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