Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Looking at the UN, Obviously fully aware of the current white genocide, anti white policies, Farm murders, disbandonment of our commando's in South africa, Julius malema's direct threats to white people in South africa to name but a few...Not taking any action can only leave one with the impression that the UN either approve of all the above or simply just dont care.To say that the Afrikaner can have independence as long as it is not racially based is nothing short of a sick idea to force the Afrikaner in South-africa to be ruled by his enemy who is on a ongoing basis oppressing, discriminating against and in a Cruel, inhumane, barbaric way slaughtering the Afrikaner people on a daily basis threatening our mere existance.This in any terms or by any one's standards and values is totally inhumane and unecceptable. A Lot of research has been done by the Group Oase who has identified the borders of the new Afrikaner state playing by the rules of the UN obiding by International Law. We are asking the Afrikaner nation to come together and support our structures that is in place already.White genocide in south Africa is ongoing and becoming worse. When the protector becomes the opressor every nation has the fullest right to NOT play by such opressor's rules as this in itself could lead to the destruction of a nation ( With this being said i need to remind you that what Hitler did to the Jews was, In Hitler's terms and by his standards Legal.As the white genocide in South Africa it might be legal by the enemy of the Afrikaner but by a decent Person or Nation standards totally In-Humane, cruel and unacceptable.Direct Threats by the Julius malema and his EFF Supporters displaying a banner that the holiday for Whites in South Africa is over is a Direct threat to our existance in our country of birth.
On Grounds of Right to life, the afrikaner nation's right to exist, Constutional Right to live free from fear and Food security where our Farmers are in a independant state in South africa where said farmers are protected, We Will Simply force our Already in Place Leaders of the Afrikaner nation to put their differences aside and work together to achieve afrikaner Indipendance. It is Sad and heart braking for the Afrikaner nation to, On a daily basis see their people slaughtered and oppressed under the anc regime.

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