Wednesday, October 30, 2013

SA Constitution means nothing

1. A state of emergency may be declared only in terms of an Act of Parliament, and only when ­
a. the life of the nation is threatened by war, invasion, general insurrection, disorder, natural
disaster or other public emergency; and
In 2011, there were 142 397 violent crimes reported in South Africa.

15 940 murders, 15492 attempted murders, 14 667 armed robberies of businesses, 16889 armed robberies at homes, 

 10 627 hijackings, 56 272 rapes in a total of 68 332 sexual offences.

The Vietnam war took place from 5 August 1964 to 28 March 1973, a total of 8 years & 8 months. The Americans 

 lost 47 359 personnel to hostile deaths and 10 797 personnel in non hostile deaths, a total of 58 156.
This is a total of 6710 people per year on average.
South Africa’s murder rate is therefore 237,6% greater than the average death rate of Americans
fighting in the Vietnam war

Why has a state of emergency not declared

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