Wednesday, October 30, 2013

White genocide - Our future in South Africa

It is proven without any kind of doubt that the ANC , ANCYL and its commrades has declared War against the white skin. It is also clear considering statistics and facts that our enemy is still at war with the white people 18 years after 1994 and intensifying same on a daily basis at political and ground level.
On a daily basis in the "New South-africa" White people are brutally murdered, attacked, raped, intimidated and ultimately oppressed.
It Touches a person when you see your fellow white raped with a broken bottle, tortured with Boiling water, Burned with a hot iron, Locked in a freezer to Die, Chopped up with a panga or begging at a robot because the ANC's Policy of affirmative action directly discriminates against White people when it comes to finding a Job.
I do believe the ANC is leading this nation into war.

Carte Blance Video on farm Murders

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