Thursday, October 31, 2013

AWB behind Griekwastad murders claim

AWB behind Griekwastad murders claim: A female AWB member has claimed that an AWB "hit squad" carried out the murders of three members of a Griekwastad family on their Northern Cape farm in April last year.


In My opinie is die laagste van die laeklas lede van n organisasie wat aanvalle en / of moord teen hulle eie Volk loots ongeag enige vorm van lam verskonings. Ek sal verder ondersoek instel na die voorval en indien die bewerings waar is die betrokke individie op die Volksveraad lys plaas.Admin.


Kimberley - A police officer rejected claims by a rightwing woman that she played a part in the Steenkamp murders on a farm near Griekwastad last year, the Northern Cape High Court heard on Monday.
"There is no truth in these allegations," investigating officer Dick de Waal testified.
Northern Cape Judge President Frans Kgomo was hearing evidence in the trial of a 17-year-old boy accused of killing Northern Cape farmer Deon Steenkamp, 44, his wife Christelle, 43, and daughter Marthella, 14. They were shot on their farm Naauwhoek, near Griekwastad, on 6 April 2012.
De Waal told the court he had received information from three sources since the court last heard the matter.
The new information was received from a woman in Kuruman, a man who called a State witness, and a woman, Cornelia de Wet, who was in prison in Middelburg, Mpumalanga.
It was reported that De Wet, a member of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB), had confessed to her alleged role in the murders of the Steenkamps.
The Diamond Fields Advertiser reported that 37-year-old De Wet, in custody for possession of explosives and ammunition, alleged the Steenkamp murders were part of a plan to attack white farmers in an attempt to instil fear and incite racial hatred.
Prosecutor Hannes Cloete questioned De Waal on how he had handled all the additional information in the case since the last court sitting. De Waal testified that all the information was followed up, statements were taken and added to the docket.
The boy’s defence team was given all the statements.
The court heard the State brought De Wet to Kimberley so that the boy’s defence team could consult with the woman.

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