Thursday, October 31, 2013

AWB behind Griekwastad murders claim

AWB behind Griekwastad murders claim: A female AWB member has claimed that an AWB "hit squad" carried out the murders of three members of a Griekwastad family on their Northern Cape farm in April last year.


In My opinie is die laagste van die laeklas lede van n organisasie wat aanvalle en / of moord teen hulle eie Volk loots ongeag enige vorm van lam verskonings. Ek sal verder ondersoek instel na die voorval en indien die bewerings waar is die betrokke individie op die Volksveraad lys plaas.Admin.


Kimberley - A police officer rejected claims by a rightwing woman that she played a part in the Steenkamp murders on a farm near Griekwastad last year, the Northern Cape High Court heard on Monday.
"There is no truth in these allegations," investigating officer Dick de Waal testified.
Northern Cape Judge President Frans Kgomo was hearing evidence in the trial of a 17-year-old boy accused of killing Northern Cape farmer Deon Steenkamp, 44, his wife Christelle, 43, and daughter Marthella, 14. They were shot on their farm Naauwhoek, near Griekwastad, on 6 April 2012.
De Waal told the court he had received information from three sources since the court last heard the matter.
The new information was received from a woman in Kuruman, a man who called a State witness, and a woman, Cornelia de Wet, who was in prison in Middelburg, Mpumalanga.
It was reported that De Wet, a member of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB), had confessed to her alleged role in the murders of the Steenkamps.
The Diamond Fields Advertiser reported that 37-year-old De Wet, in custody for possession of explosives and ammunition, alleged the Steenkamp murders were part of a plan to attack white farmers in an attempt to instil fear and incite racial hatred.
Prosecutor Hannes Cloete questioned De Waal on how he had handled all the additional information in the case since the last court sitting. De Waal testified that all the information was followed up, statements were taken and added to the docket.
The boy’s defence team was given all the statements.
The court heard the State brought De Wet to Kimberley so that the boy’s defence team could consult with the woman.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Savages torture then murder white Family


White Farmers Murdered by Blacks

There were roughly 128 000 commercial farmers in South Africa in 1980. Today there are 40 000 commercial farmers left in South Africa.

Since 1994, more than 4000 farmers have been murdered and many more maimed, tortured, raped and assaulted.

Go to I guarantee that you will read about either a farm murder or an elderly couple that was murdered EVERY DAY.

The percentages are pretty alarming. Even though it's an inaccurate way of expressing murder rates, one could argue that almost 10% of white farmers in South Africa have been murdered.

White South Africans killed enmass!

Writing about “Black on White” attacks are not my effort to drive a racist wedge between different population groups, but to highlight the plight of the White population in South Africa. Almost all of these murders are totally ignored by the media. Because of Apartheid people are so oversensitive about the race issue that any atrocity afflicted on the White population by the Black population is either ignored, explained away and in the worst cases applauded! I have heard people say that white people being brutally murdered, raped and families destroyed is just retribution for the past and that this nation must just swallow it. There are more psychopaths out there than one thinks! Those committing the crimes and those silently agreeing to it fall in the same category!

From only 1 January 2013 to 27 June 2013 there were 230 “Black on White” attacks. 97 MURDERED, 17 women and 2 men RAPED, in most cases by a whole gang! There were 3 people left with PERMANENT BRAIN DAMAGE and 1 PARALYSED. There were 102 FARM ATTACKS and 30 people MURDERED during these attacks.
All of this happened from only January 2013 and does not include the thousands of other such cases since 1994, when the ANC took over Government of SA.

In one whole year, there was one attack of a white man on a black man which was with a golf club on a golf course. There were 3 weeks of media attention given to this case and it was labelled as a “Racist Golf Club Attack”.
Less than 20% of the black on white attacks have been reported in the media and never once was it called a racist attack.

When there is “Black on Black” violence like Somalis killed by South African black people it is called Xenophobic attacks. When there are Black Lesbian Women raped and killed by Black Men, they call it Corrective Rape (sickening!) All of these attacks are atrocious and shows the sick mentality of a huge population group in South Africa. At least those cases get media attention! Even the Somali President, Sheik Mohammed, contacted SA president, Mr Zuma to “act immediately” to arrest those responsible.

I do not condone any violence, whether it is black on white or vica versa. Life in general is too valuable to be destroyed in such a manner.

A huge part of this issue is the media not reporting on the problem of “Black on White” attacks. I am asking myself if the government is hushing up the media, or if they are so scared of the ANC that they just keep quiet. HOW PATHETIC!

Thank God for Social Media! The truth will come out whether those trying to manipulate and justify the facts want to or not!

Now and again an article finds its way into the international media.
12 July 2012
The African National Congress has been South Africa’s governing party since the Presidency of Nelson Mandela 17 years ago, following the end of white minority rule and apartheid. In the years under apartheid, hate speech was used by both supporters and opponents of the apartheid system to stir up their followers. When racial tensions in South Africa ran high, the song “Kill the Farmer, Shoot the Boer” was a revolutionary song of the anti-apartheid movement. However, it is an illustration of the long-term impact that such de-humanizing language can have.
After many years when such songs were no longer sung, in 2010, prominent members of the ANC Youth League, in particular Julius Malema, President of the ANC Youth League, openly sang the “Shoot the Boer” song at ANC Youth League rallies. Not only did revival of the song strike fear into the hearts of Boer farmers, but it has actually been sung during attacks on white farmers. It is an incitement to murder white Afrikaner farmers.
Over 3000 white farmers have been murdered since 1994. The South African police have not made investigation and prosecution of these farm murders a priority, dismissing them as crimes by common criminals. The government has disbanded the commando units of white farmers that once protected their farms, and has passed laws to confiscate the farmers’ weapons. Disarmament of a targeted group is one of the surest early warning signs of future genocidal killings.
A recent outbreak of violent farm invasions has led to casualties among white South Africans. The farm invasions are direct results of calls by Julius Malema and his Deputy, Ronald Lamola for whites to give up their land without compensation, or face violence by angry black youths “flooding their farms.”
In response to Julius Malema, the Freedom Front (FF) cited Section 16.2c of the South African Constitution, which restricts freedom of speech rights by excluding as unprotected speech "advocacy of hatred based on race, ethnicity, gender or religion and incitement to cause harm.” The FF contended that Malema’s singing of the “Shoot the Boer” song was hate speech and therefore a human rights violation. Acting Judge of the South Gauteng High Court, Leon Halgryn declared that the song is hate speech, and it is unconstitutional to either utter or sing “dubul’ibhunu” (“shoot the Boer.”) He issued an injunction against Malema, ordering him to no longer sing the song. The phrase is now considered hate speech.
Julius Malema was shortly thereafter removed as President of the ANC Youth League, and ejected from the ANC. However, Malema’s followers have defied the judgment and continue to sing the song. Even
President Jacob Zuma sang “Shoot the Boer” at the ANC Centenary Celebration event in January of 2012. He claimed that its use at the ANC Centenary was not intended as hate speech, but rather to commemorate the struggle against apartheid.
Despite President Zuma’s proclaimed intent, his singing of the song may be contributing to an increasingly hostile environment that threatens the safety of white South Africans. The number of murders of Boer farmers has increased each month in 2012.
For ten years, Genocide Watch has been the only international human rights group willing to declare an Alert about the high murder rate of Boer farmers, perhaps because it is not “politically correct” to defend the rights of people who once supported apartheid. Genocide Watch is opposed to all forms of racism, from whatever the source. The President of Genocide Watch actively supported the anti-apartheid movement in constitutional consultations with the United Democratic Front when he was a Fulbright Professor of Law in Swaziland. He has visited South Africa several times since and will soon visit again.

ANC's Camp Quatro

Camp Quatro - ANC crimes against humanity

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Inside Quatro: Uncovering the Exile History of the ANC and SWAPO

This book by Paul Trewhela, uncovers some of the exile history (savagery) of the ANC and SWAPO that both organisations would prefer not to remember. Here is a first-hand account of the ANC's Quatro prison camp and of the mutiny in Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) in Angola in 1984; articles on the SWAPO 'spy drama' of the 1970s and 1980s; an analysis of a death in exile with implications relating to Jacob Zuma; and a study of the responses of both the ANC and SWAPO to these episodes of intolerance, repression and excess. In all his essays, Trewelha analyses problems of the liberation struggles with a former insider's knowledge and a journalist's ability to ferret out the facts.

In this edited extract from his book, Inside Quatro: Uncovering the Exile history of the ANC and Swapo, Paul Trewhela sheds light on a past that the ANC would prefer to forget.

The ANC's Quatro was best described in a terse statement by Zaba Maledza, when he said: "When you get in there, forget about human rights."
This was a statement from a man who had lived in Quatro during one of the worst periods in its history, from 1980 to 1982.
Established in 1979, Quatro was supposed to be the rehabilitation centre of the ANC, where enemy agents who had infiltrated the ANC would be "re-educated" and would be made to love the ANC through the opportunity to experience the humane character of its ideals.
Regrettably, through a process that still cries out for explanation, Quatro became worse than any prison that even the apartheid regime - itself considered a crime against humanity - had ever had.

However harsh the above statement, however disagreeable to the fighters against the monstrous apartheid system, it is a truth that needs bold examination by our people, and the whole of the ANC membership.

To examine the history of Quatro is to uncover the concealed forces that operate in a political organisation such as the ANC.
Quatro, officially known as Camp 32, was renamed after Morris Seabelo (real name Lulamile Dantile), one of the ANC's first and trusted commanders. He was a Soviet-trained intelligence officer, a student at the Moscow Party Institution and a publicised young hero of the South African Communist Party. In late 1985 he mysteriously lost his life at an underground ANC residence in Lesotho, where none of those he was with, including Nomkhosi Mini, was spared to relate the story.
Located about 15km from the town of Quibaxe, north of Luanda, Quatro was one of the most feared of the secret camps of the ANC, and only a selected few in the ANC leadership, (Mzwandile Piliso, Joe Modise, Andrew Masondo and also the then general secretary of the SA Communist Party, Moses Mabhida) had access.
The administration of the camp was limited to members of the security forces, mostly young members of the underground SACP. Such were most of its administrative staff - for example, Sizwe Mkhonto, also an East German-trained intelligence officer and former political student at the Moscow Party Institution, who was camp commander for a long time; Afrika Nkwe, also Soviet intelligence and a politically trained officer, who was a senior commander and commissar at Quatro, with occasional relapses of mental illness; Griffiths Seboni; and Cyril Burton, all falling within the same categories, to name but a few.

The security guards and warders were drawn from the young and politically naive fanatic supporters of the military leadership of Joe Modise and Oliver Tambo, who kept to strict warnings about secrecy. They were not allowed to talk to anyone about anything that took place in an "ANC rehabilitation centre".

The prisoners themselves were transported blindfolded and flat on the floor of the security vehicle carrying them. Upon arrival in the camp they were given pseudonyms and were strictly limited, allowed only to know their cellmates, and not to peep through the windows.

From whatever corner they emerged, or whatever turn they took within the premises of the prison, they had to seek "permission to pass". Any breaches of these rules of secrecy, whether intentional or by mistake, were punishable by beatings and floggings.

To crown it all, when prisoners were released they had to sign a document committing them never to release any form of information relating to the conditions of their stay in the prison camp, and never to disclose their activities there or the forms of punishment meted out to them.

The place had seven communal cells, some of which used to be storerooms for the Portuguese colonisers, and five isolation cells, crowded so much that a mere turn of a sleeping position by a single prisoner would awaken the whole cell. With minimal ventilation, conditions were suffocating, dark and damp even in the dry and hot Angolan climate.
Even (then ANC president) Oliver Tambo was forced to comment, when he visited the place for the first time in August 1987, that the cells were too dark and suffocating.
In every cell there was a corner reserved for five-litre bottle-like plastic containers covered with cardboard, which served as a toilet where, in the sight of all cellmates, you were expected to relieve yourself. With a strong stench coming from the toilet area, and lice-infected blanket rags that stayed unwashed for months or even years on end, the prison authorities would keep the doors wide open and perhaps light perfumed lucky-sticks before visiting ANC leaders could enter the cells.

Outside, the premises of the camp were so clean from the beaten and forced prison labour that Tambo found himself commenting: "The camp is very clean and beautiful, but the mood and atmosphere inside the cells is very gloomy."

The life activity of the inmates at Quatro was characterised by aggressive physical and psychological humiliation that could only be documented by the efforts of all the former prisoners and perhaps honest security guards combined.

Botiki, one of the former detainees, who lived through camp life in Quatro during its worst period, said of the place: "What I've seen there is frightening and incredible."

For a long time, Quatro had been a place of interest to many cadres, and it was very difficult to learn details of the place from ex-detainees. The ANC security had instilled so much fear in them that they hardly had any hope that the situation could be changed.
The meek behaviour and fear of authority shown by ex-detainees, the intimidating and domineering posture of the security personnel, attempted and successful suicides committed by ex-prisoners such as Leon Madakeni, "Mark", and Nonhlanhla Makhuba when faced with the possibility of re-arrest, and the common mental disturbance of the guards and personnel at Quatro, and what they talked about in their deranged state, threw light on what one was likely to expect in this "rehabilitation centre".
In Quatro the prisoners were given invective names that were meant to destroy them psychologically, names "closely reflecting the crimes committed by the prisoners".

Among the mutineers, we had Zaba Maledza, who was named Muzorewa, after a notorious traitor in Zimbabwe; Sidwell Moroka, named Dolinchek, after a Yugoslav mercenary involved in a coup attempt in the Seychelles; and Maxwell Moroaledi, named Mgoqozi, a Zulu name for an instigator.

There were many other extremely rude names that cannot be written here. Otherwise, generally, every prisoner was called umdlwembe, a political bandit.
The daily routine started at six with the emptying of toilet chambers, during which prisoners would run down to a big pit under whipping from "commanders" (security guards). After this, prisoners would be allowed to wash from a single quarter-drum container at incredible speed. The whole prisoner population had to wash from a single container, with water unchanged, taking turns as they went out to dispose of the "chambers".
The occupants of the last cells out would suffer most, because they would find very little water, which was very dirty.
The very activity of prisoners washing was a big concession, because before 1985 it was not even considered necessary for the prisoners to wash and they were infested with lice. Each group of prisoners was required to use literally one minute to wash and any delay would lead to serious beatings.

Back to the cell after washing in the open ground, the prisoners of Quatro would be given breakfast, which would either be tea or a piece of bread, or sometimes a soup of beans. They were normally given spoiled food that was rejected by the cadres of the ANC in the camps, and it was normally half-cooked by the beaten, insulted and frightened prisoners.

The two other meals, lunch and supper, were usually mealie meal and beans, or rice and beans, sometimes in extremely large quantities, which prisoners were forced to eat. To make certain that everything had been eaten, there was an irregular check of toilet chambers.

Alongside the emaciated prisoners there were security guards who lived extravagantly, drinking beer every week: privileges unknown in other ANC establishments.

During periods of extreme shortages of food for the prisoners, those who were working banked their hopes on the leftovers from the tables of the security officers and guards. Simultaneously with the taking of breakfast, those who wished to visit the medical point would be allowed out.

The clinic at Quatro was one of the worst places to visit, usually manned by half-baked and very brutal personnel. A visit to the clinic usually resulted in beatings of sick people and extremely inhumane treatment for the prisoners.

"Errol" who had problems with his swelling leg, was subjected to such inconsiderate treatment and beatings whenever he visited the clinic that he finally lost his life. Some prisoners would be forced to go to work while sick, for fear of revealing their state of health that would land them in the clinic.

Even reporting your sickness needed a very careful choice of words. For instance, if you had been injured during beatings by the "commanders", you were not supposed to say that you had been beaten.

In Quatro, "commanders" didn't beat prisoners, they "corrected" them; this was the way the propaganda went. A prisoner received a "corrective measure".
After the prisoners had polished the boots of the commanders and ironed their uniforms, at eight o'clock the time for labour would begin.

In Quatro there were certain cells earmarked for hard and hazardous labour. During this period, the cells that contained mainly mutineers were subjected to the hardest tasks.

Lighter duties, such as cooking and cleaning the surroundings, were given to other groups of prisoners, while the mutineers carried out other work, such as chopping wood and cutting logs, digging trenches and constructing dug-outs, and - most feared of all - pushing the water tank up a steep and rough road.

Every kind of work at Quatro was done with incredible speed. Prisoners were not allowed to walk: they were always expected to be on the double from point to point in the camp.

The group that was chopping wood would leave the camp at eight to search for a suitable tree to fell. Everybody had to have an axe. With work starting after eight, chopping would continue without a break until 12, and the prisoners were not even expected to appear tired. "A bandit doesn't get tired," went the saying.

Whipping with coffee tree sticks, trampling by military boots, blows with fists and claps on your inflated cheeks (known as ukumpompa) became part of the labour process.

The work quota that prisoners were expected to accomplish was totally unreasonable, but they were liable for serious punishment for any failure to fulfil it.

Many prisoners at Quatro had their ears damaged internally because of ukumpompa, which was sometimes done by using canvas shoes or soles of sandals.

The same situation prevailed in other duties. Unreasonably heavy logs for dugouts had to be carried up the slopes.

Every prisoner tried to get a piece of cloth for himself to cushion the logs so as to protect his shoulders, but prisoners still did these duties with patches of bruises incurred as a result of this labour.

The most feared duty in Quatro was the pushing of the huge water tank, normally drawn by heavy military trucks, by the prisoners themselves for a distance of about three or four kilometres from the water reservoir to the camp.

Like cattle, they would struggle with the tank and the "commanders", wielding sticks, would be around whipping prisoners like slaves whenever they felt like it or when the pace was too slow.

Prisoners in Quatro behaved like frightened zombies, who would nervously jump in panic just at the sight of commanders, let alone at a rebuke or a beating.
In the process of these beatings during labour time, prisoners who could not cope with the work were sometimes beaten to death. Such was the death of one prisoner, who died from blows to the back of his head from Leonard Maweni, one of the security guards.

Two others were unable to carry some heavy planks from a place far away from the camp, after the truck that had been carrying them broke down. Upon arrival in the camp they were summoned from their cell, under instructions from Dan Mashigo, who was the camp's chief of staff, and were taken for flogging at a spot near the camp. One never came back to his cell, and the other one died a short while after returning to his cell.

This was in complete conflict with what Dexter Mbona - the security chief in Quatro and later ANC regional chief of security in Angola - told the mutineers (who had challenged the leadership and demanded to be sent home to fight in South Africa rather than be kept in exile) when addressing them on their very first day of arrival.

On that occasion, he said: "This camp is not a prison, but a rehabilitation centre, and it has changed from what you portrayed it to be during the time of Mkatashingo (the mutiny)."

Quatro was still a place of daily screams and pleas for mercy from physically abused prisoners. Saturday was the worst day.

It was a day of strip and cell searches; the commanders would enter each cell with sticks and the search would commence.

If a single prisoner made even a slight mistake as a result of panic, the whole cell would be in for it, and to drown the noise of their screams, other cells would be instructed to sing.

As already mentioned, the whole story about this camp needs to be investigated to establish who were the masterminds behind these gross violations of human rights.

Both psychologically and physically, the camp has done a lot of damage to those who found themselves imprisoned there.

Some have become psychological wrecks, while others have contracted sicknesses such as epileptic fits.

What is certain is that Andrew Masondo, Mzwandile Piliso and Joe Modise were heavily involved in these sinister political machinations.

But was the topmost leadership of the ANC unaware?

I can already see the comrades commenting on this article saying that the prisoners on Robben Island were treated badly. Were they, really?

No, they weren't. Check out this page if you don't believe me...

hatecrimes by black people

Hatecrimes by black people

Elderly White Lady Tortured With Boiling Water, Strangled

An elderly white lady was strangled in her house in Pullenshope, South Africa, on 1 June 2012.

Julie Cruse (72), who was the owner of a liquor store in the town was found by one of her employees in her house on 2 June.

The grandmother was overpowered by (obviously black) men, repeatedly kicked in the face, and eventually strangled.

boer genocide in south africa
Julie Cruse (72) murdered

The gang tortured the elderly woman for hours by throwing boiling water on her legs. An iron was found next to her corpse, which the attackers used to burn her on her stomach before they murdered her.

The murderers fled with about $700, perfume, 3 pairs of shoes and a golden necklace. They left her car in the garage.

This was obviously just another RACIST HATE CRIME in South Africa which the government is doing nothing about. The International media is silent about these murders.

Source: Elderly white woman tortured with boiling water before being strangled

Please help to spread the word about the plight of white South Africans and the genocide which is taking place with very little opposition from the ANC government. Take a moment to think about what it would feel like to be tortured with boiling water and a hot iron before you are strangled for $700.

White genocide - Our future in South Africa

It is proven without any kind of doubt that the ANC , ANCYL and its commrades has declared War against the white skin. It is also clear considering statistics and facts that our enemy is still at war with the white people 18 years after 1994 and intensifying same on a daily basis at political and ground level.
On a daily basis in the "New South-africa" White people are brutally murdered, attacked, raped, intimidated and ultimately oppressed.
It Touches a person when you see your fellow white raped with a broken bottle, tortured with Boiling water, Burned with a hot iron, Locked in a freezer to Die, Chopped up with a panga or begging at a robot because the ANC's Policy of affirmative action directly discriminates against White people when it comes to finding a Job.
I do believe the ANC is leading this nation into war.

Carte Blance Video on farm Murders

Eugene Terreblance

Just like Eugene Terreblanche was murdered because of a wage dispute. If you don't get as much money as you were expecting for your Christmas bonus, doing this to your employer is justified by Black people:

Eugene terreblanche pictures hacked to death

Whites Murdered by Blacks

Whites murdered by blacks

Whites Murdered by Blacks


Since 1994, an estimated 68798 white South Africans have been murdered of which 4041 were commercial farmers. True figures are very hard to come by as the South African police fail to report most of the murders that take place. There is also no distinction between white and black victims in crime records.

As the white population of South Africa was 4 434 697 according to the official state census in 1996, and more than 400 000 white South Africans have left the country, it could be estimated that nearly 2% of white South Africans have been murdered in the 18 years of democracy.

Compare that to the 7518 black people that were murdered by the Apartheid government, which comes to a percentage of 0.02% of the black population.

So, if anybody ever asks you how many black people were killed by white people in South Africa, you can tell them that black people have murdered roughly 100 times more white people in the last 63 years.


White Farmers Murdered by Blacks

There were roughly 128 000 commercial farmers in South Africa in 1980. Today there are 40 000 commercial farmers left in South Africa.

Since 1994, an estimated 4041 farmers have been murdered and many more maimed, tortured, raped and assaulted.

The percentages are pretty alarming. Even though it's an inaccurate way of expressing murder rates, one could argue that almost 10% of white farmers in South Africa have been murdered.

The official data is that the murder rate of white South African Farmers (boers) is the highest in the world by profession. It is currently 310/100 000. In London, England, the probability of being murdered is 3/100 000.

It amazes me that white South Africans need to go through lengthy visa applications to enter English speaking nations - isn't it obvious that we should be able to claim asylum based on the fact that we have such a massive probability of being murdered in our own country?

White woman disembowled after killing south africawhite genocide farm murders south africa old men murdered
white women raped tortured and murdered by black south africanswhite genocide, farm killings, boer murders, south africa, anc

anc condones killing of white children in south africa on farmsfarmers murdered, anc, nelson mandela condones murder


Infant wrapped in newspaper and torched

Hi-jacked, raped and stabbed to death


The main ingredient of genocide - HATE SPEECH:

Genocide has to come from somewhere. People won't just go out and start killing people because they feel disadvantaged or because of a wage dispute. They need to be called to action.

The world is turning a blind eye to the hate that drips from the ANC's lips. The ex-ANC Youth League President, Julius Malema, defied a court ruling that banned the ANC from singing "Kill the Boer" just hours after he left court. The courts are run by "racist whites" according to the ANC Youth League and they don't have any respect for any ruling unless it is in their favor.

Ronald Lamola, the current president of the ANCYL, is trying his best to outshine his predecessor by stepping up the hate speech against Afrikaners.

On 18 June 2012, Lamola told ANCYL members that "Land reform needs an act as forceful as war" and that it was an illusion that land would be given back to black South Africans "peacefully".

Afriforum has laid charges of hate-speech against Lamola earlier this month for other racially motivated slurs. Lamola is also calling for Nationalisation of banks and mines.

SA Constitution means nothing

1. A state of emergency may be declared only in terms of an Act of Parliament, and only when ­
a. the life of the nation is threatened by war, invasion, general insurrection, disorder, natural
disaster or other public emergency; and
In 2011, there were 142 397 violent crimes reported in South Africa.

15 940 murders, 15492 attempted murders, 14 667 armed robberies of businesses, 16889 armed robberies at homes, 

 10 627 hijackings, 56 272 rapes in a total of 68 332 sexual offences.

The Vietnam war took place from 5 August 1964 to 28 March 1973, a total of 8 years & 8 months. The Americans 

 lost 47 359 personnel to hostile deaths and 10 797 personnel in non hostile deaths, a total of 58 156.
This is a total of 6710 people per year on average.
South Africa’s murder rate is therefore 237,6% greater than the average death rate of Americans
fighting in the Vietnam war

Why has a state of emergency not declared

Post-apartheid era

Efforts are being made by some Afrikaners to secure minority rights even though protection of minority rights is fundamental to the new 1996 post-apartheid Constitution of South Africa. These efforts include the Volkstaat movement. In contrast, a handful of Afrikaners have joined the ruling African National Congress party, which is overwhelmingly supported by South Africa's black majority. However, the vast majority of Afrikaners support South Africa's official opposition, the Democratic Alliance, indicating their acceptance of non-racism within a free enterprise economy, and in the spirit of people like Frederik van Zyl Slabbert who was the leader of the official opposition — the Progressive Federal Party — in the House of Assembly from 1979 to 1986.
Employment Equity legislation favours employment of black (African, Indian and Coloured) South Africans over white women and men. Black Economic Empowerment legislation further favours blacks as the government considers ownership, employment, training and social responsibility initiatives which empower black South Africans as important criteria when awarding tenders. However, private enterprise adheres to this legislation voluntarily.[29] Some reports indicate a growing number of whites suffering poverty compared to the pre-apartheid years and attribute this to such laws — over 350,000 Afrikaners may be classified as poor, with some research claiming that up to 150,000 are struggling for survival.[30][31] This combined with a wave of violent crime has led to vast numbers of Afrikaners and English-speaking South Africans leaving the country.
Genocide Watch has theorised that farm attacks constitute early warning signs of genocide against Afrikaners and has criticised the South African government for its inaction on the issue, pointing out that the murder rate for them ("ethno-European farmers" in their report, which also included non-Afrikaner farmers of European race) is four times that of the general South African population.[32] There are 40,000 white farmers in South Africa. Since 1994 close to three thousand farmers have been murdered in thousands of farm attacks,[33] with many being brutally tortured and/or raped. Some victims have been burned with smoothing irons or had boiling water poured down their throats.[34]

Afrikaner diaspora and emigration

Since 1994 there has been significant emigration of white people from South Africa. There are thus currently large Afrikaner and English-speaking South African communities in the UK and other developed countries. Between 1995 and 2005, more than one million South Africans have emigrated, citing violent and racially motivated black on white crime as the main reason.[35] Farmers have emigrated to other parts of Africa to develop efficient commercial farming there.[36]



There were 133,324 speakers of Afrikaans in Namibia, forming 9.5% of the total national population, according to the 1991 census. However the majority of these speakers come from the Coloured and Baster communities.[citation needed] Afrikaners are mostly found in Windhoek and in the Southern provinces.[37]

Global presence

A significant number of Afrikaners have migrated to countries such as Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States, Republic of Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Argentina, Mexico and Brazil.
A large number of young Afrikaners are taking advantage of working holiday visas made available by the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth countries, as well as the Netherlands and Belgium, to gain work experience. The scheme under which UK working holiday visas were issued ended on 27 November 2008 and has been replaced by the Tier 5 (Youth Mobility) visa. South Africa is unlikely to partake in this scheme.
As of 2011, Georgia is encouraging Afrikaner immigration to help kickstart the country's agriculture industry, which has declined significantly since the fall of communism.[38]
Looking at the UN, Obviously fully aware of the current white genocide, anti white policies, Farm murders, disbandonment of our commando's in South africa, Julius malema's direct threats to white people in South africa to name but a few...Not taking any action can only leave one with the impression that the UN either approve of all the above or simply just dont care.To say that the Afrikaner can have independence as long as it is not racially based is nothing short of a sick idea to force the Afrikaner in South-africa to be ruled by his enemy who is on a ongoing basis oppressing, discriminating against and in a Cruel, inhumane, barbaric way slaughtering the Afrikaner people on a daily basis threatening our mere existance.This in any terms or by any one's standards and values is totally inhumane and unecceptable. A Lot of research has been done by the Group Oase who has identified the borders of the new Afrikaner state playing by the rules of the UN obiding by International Law. We are asking the Afrikaner nation to come together and support our structures that is in place already.White genocide in south Africa is ongoing and becoming worse. When the protector becomes the opressor every nation has the fullest right to NOT play by such opressor's rules as this in itself could lead to the destruction of a nation ( With this being said i need to remind you that what Hitler did to the Jews was, In Hitler's terms and by his standards Legal.As the white genocide in South Africa it might be legal by the enemy of the Afrikaner but by a decent Person or Nation standards totally In-Humane, cruel and unacceptable.Direct Threats by the Julius malema and his EFF Supporters displaying a banner that the holiday for Whites in South Africa is over is a Direct threat to our existance in our country of birth.
On Grounds of Right to life, the afrikaner nation's right to exist, Constutional Right to live free from fear and Food security where our Farmers are in a independant state in South africa where said farmers are protected, We Will Simply force our Already in Place Leaders of the Afrikaner nation to put their differences aside and work together to achieve afrikaner Indipendance. It is Sad and heart braking for the Afrikaner nation to, On a daily basis see their people slaughtered and oppressed under the anc regime.