Thursday, November 28, 2013

Special Forces to Save Whites- In South Africa

Special Forces to Save Whites
In South Africa, a former member of the special forces has founded a new security company to protect farmers. Wynand du Toit points out that more than 4,800 white farmers have been murdered since the ANC took power in 1994, and has no doubt about the purpose of the killings: “There are no traditional criminals involved in the farm attacks. It is well-planned, military-style operations that are taking place. It is a well-planned action [aimed at forcing] white farmers to abandon their farms so that blacks can move in.” Lately, he says, attackers let their victims call neighbors for help and then ambush and kill the rescuers as well. He adds that it is no accident blacks target children for rape and torture: “Children are the future. Destroying children prevents us from having a future. Of course, the killing of children is also a psychological onslaught against the farmer, which might force him to leave his farm in order to protect them.”

Mr. du Toit’s new security company, Lanseria Protection Services, has teams of ex-special forces men on call 24 hours a day, who can be helicoptered anywhere in the country or parachute out of airplanes. He says the attackers have been frightened away from the areas in which his men have been active, and that local farmers look on his service as their only hope for survival. Mr. du Toit thinks the killings are orchestrated by the Pan African Congress, and that the ANC is not yet at the stage of systematically killing whites. At the same time, police morale is so low, and so many experienced white officers are quitting, he thinks that within several years it will not be possible to solve major crimes. He notes that whites cannot count on help from abroad: “I have not noticed any response from the U.N., U.S. or the UK to the killings by blacks of white farmers in South Africa. Remember, we are white. Only whites can be racist. Blacks can’t be racist. They do not lie, and in the eyes of many overseas people, these attacks must be seen as a justification of the past. I do not think that the U.N. will spend one minute a month on the murders in South Africa.” [Anthony C. LoBaido, Wynand du Toit, a Special Forces Hero Committed to Saving Farmers at Risk in Southern Africa, WorldNetDaily. com, Aug. 15, 2001.]
One of the more hideous recent attacks took place on July 27, when eight blacks attacked Mr. and Mrs. Johan le Grange, an impoverished rural couple in their 80s. They tortured both victims with hot irons and tore out fingernails before beating Mr. le Grange to death. Mrs. le Grange survived but remains severely traumatized. The men then went next door to the home of the le Grange’s daughter and her four-year-old daughter, whom they raped and tortured for several hours — but did not kill.
Henda Wolfardt, a South African farmer who lives near Ventersdorp with her husband and two sons has noticed a world-wide pattern: “The blacks are killing whites in Zimbabwe, Kenya, South Africa and even in the U.S. in the recent riots in Seattle and Cincinnati. In Australia, the Aborigines are calling for the blood of the white farmers. The Russians are fighting against Islam in Chechnya. White Christians are attacked in the Balkans and Macedonia. What will it take for people to wake up?” [Anthony C. LoBaido, Killing of South Africa Farmers Intensifies, WorldNet, Aug. 1, 2001.]
Zim: Bad to Worse
Deterioration continues in Zimbabwe. On August 26, the British newspaper The Telegraph reported that it had received a copy of a secret government document called “Operation Give up and Leave,” which outlined a terror strategy for ridding the country of whites. “The operation should be thoroughly planned so that farmers are systematically harassed and mentally tortured and their farms destabilised until they give in and give up,” it read in part. It says the “Pamire-silencing method” should be used on any farmer who resists, a reference to Chris Pamire, a businessman who fell out with President Robert Mugabe and died in a mysterious road accident.
War “veterans” invade a white farm.
A Zimbabwe government spokesman says the document is rubbish, but events seem to be following its plan. Though the area around the town of Chinhoyi has been particularly hard hit by blacks looting and vandalizing white farm houses, the town itself has been safe. Recently, Pres. Mugabe’s followers forced all whites off the streets of Chinhoyi, beating up any they could find. Joy Moolman, a white farmer’s wife, has circulated an e-mail message reporting that blacks later went on an especially nasty tear through the countryside, turning out whites and making off with wagon loads of their possessions. Mrs. Moolman writes that her husband is a pilot and flew over the area reporting which way the gangs were headed so farmers could evacuate their families.
Under the title “Whites Finished in Zimbabwe,” the August 12 issue of the British newspaper Daily Mail published a letter from a white Zimbabwean that read, in part: “There is a fin de atmosphere among white people now, a sad, bitter resignation to the fact that our world is crumbling around us. It’s like going through a bereavement for the beloved country many of our families came to from England 100 years ago. It’s an agonising process: anger, denial, bargaining — then maybe death.
“The entire younger generation of whites know they are not wanted and have left or are leaving. The older generation is still desperate to live out what remains of their lives in what is left of British colonial style…”
“Suburban street signs have been removed wholesale — we think they are being melted down and made into coffin handles. Graves have been opened, corpses dumped in the bush and coffins taken for resale, spruced up with the aluminium from the signs.”
He writes that the whole country feels like one big departure lounge, as whites clear out. At 50,000, whites are 0.6 percent of the population, down from 200,000 when Robert Mugabe came to power and asked whites to stay. Even face to face with hatred, whites seem unwilling to shed their illusions. The man writes that one white “revealed that what really depressed him was the seeming indifference of most black Zimbabweans to what is happening to the whites.”
He continues: “The government knows if it can drive whites out of Zimbabwe the rest of the world, and particularly the Western media, will lose interest and then it will be able to deal with its political opposition in no uncertain terms. If that happens, there will be a descent into poverty and terror from which Zimbabwe, once a civilised and sophisticated nation, may never emerge.”
What has been the reaction in white nations to this clear example of ethnic cleansing? Australian MPs have discussed the possibility of asking Mr. Mugabe not to come to the October Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in Brisbane. Members of the European Parliament have urged the 15 member states to freeze any bank accounts held by Mr. Mugabe, to refuse to let him visit, and to consider suspending financial aid to Zimbabwe. American congressmen have considered — but not passed — legislation to impose financial sanctions.
In the latest round of pusillanimity, Britain has agreed to head up a group to compensate whites for the farmland to be taken from them, if Mr. Mugabe will only agree to an orderly, non-violent program of dispossession. Mr. Mugabe says he will study the agreement, announced September 7 in Nigeria.
“Veterans” load loot from
a white farmer’s house.
Meanwhile, in late August, Britain denied asylum to a white Zimbabwean fruit farmer who was beaten unconscious by Zimbabwean authorities who also murdered his girlfriend. Roy Page says he is afraid to go home, and says a number of his 300 former employees were killed simply for saying they wanted him back. The British position is that Mr. Page has nothing to fear if he returns, but has permitted him to appeal the ruling. [Christina Lamb and David Bamber, Mugabe’s Secret Plan to Evict All Whites, Telegraph (London), Aug. 26, 2001. Zimbabwe Denies It Plans to Evict All White Farmers, Reuters, Aug. 27, 2001. Kathy Kittley, Beaten-up Farmer Pleads to Stay Here, Telegraph, Aug. 30, 2001. David Blair, The Last Gamble of Zimbabwe’s White Tribe, Telegraph, Aug. 18, 2001. Glenn McKenzie, Zimbabwe to Stop Occupying White Farms, AP, Sept. 7, 2001.]

Monday, November 25, 2013

My Korrespondensie met die Boere-Afrikaner Volksraad

In My Briewe aan die Boere-Afrikaner volksraad 

Het dit  Vir my duidelik geword dat die Volksraad aktief besig is met selfs regstappe en ingehandigde eise vir die boere-Afrikaner se onafhanklikheid.
In My opinie is die Boere-Afrikaner Volksraad die enigste party wat my persoonlike goedkeuring wegdrae om die Volk te lei.
My innige dank aan Mnr Ben Geldenhuys en die res van die raad vir Hulle harde werk, deursettings vermoe en liefde vir hulle Volk.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My korrespondensie met die VF+

My Brief aan VF+
Geagte Mnr Mulder. Ons is weer voor die deur van n algemene verkiesing met die Afrikaner Volk bitter verdeeld en onseker vir wie om te stem. Vir wie stem ons waar ons ons vertroue kan plaas dat so n party werklik sal opstaan vir die Volk, Die Grusame, onmenslike moorde op ons Volk ter harte sal neem en ons uit die omstandighede uitlei. N leier wie nie sal stilsit en in stilswye verdwyn nie. N leier wie n toekoms vir sy volk sal verseker, Ons mense huistoe bring wie moes Vlug voor die Vyand se rassisme en honger om te moor.n Leier wie besef om tussen die Vyand te leef is die oorsaak van derduisende Afrikaners en boere wie wreed verkrag, vermoor en selfs gemartel word, deesdae selfs ons kindertjies Mnr Mulder. Ek Vra vandag vir U met respek. Is U daardie Leier, Is die VF+ Daardie Party Mnr mulder.In die lig dat U uiters stil is vir Jare Reeds wil ek graag Vir U vra, Moet ek vir U stem en hoekom, watse verskil sou U maak, Watse aksies sou U neem met die Volk agter U? Byvoorbaat dank.Die Uwe. Theo Jacobs
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  • Corne Mulder Naand Theo. Ek het jou skrywe onder die aandag van Dr Pieter Mulder gebring en ek glo hy sal jou binnekort antwoord. Mooi aand
    17 hours ago · Edited · Like

    Ek het in 14 Dae Geen turugvoer van Pieter Mulder Ontvang nie. In my opinie het Pieter Mulder nie tyd om n Lewens belangrike vraag wat die toekoms van die Volk aangaan te antwoord nie en laat my dan geen ander keuse as om te aanvaar ek as n Afrikaner is van geen belang vir Pieter Mulder nie.Mnr Mulder, U sal ongelukkig nie my stem kry nie, Ek is opsoek na n Afrikaner Party wat die Volk sy eerste prioriteit maak.

My Korrespondensie met OASE

ek wil OASE eerstens dank vir hulle harde werk en effektiewe turugvoer. Ek het wel n probleem wat ek hoop u by Oase kan my mee help. Eerstens het U aan my geskryf dat daar geen bewyse van "White genocide" is nie. Ek is bitter verbaas oor die stelling en bevraagteken selfde. Tweedens het U aan my geskryf en gese daar is geen ( soos ons almal weet ) ras gebonde statistieke wat presies kan wys hoeveel afrikaners deur die Vyand vermoor is nie, dan skryf U sedert 1994 is 360 000 mense van alle rasse vermoor waarvan minder as 50 000 blankes was en dat die meeste van die blankes Afrikaners was. Ek sou graag wou weet waar U hierdie statistieke bekom het. By voorbaat dank.

November 25
Ek het in 14 Dae Geen turugvoer van Oase gehad betreffende my vraag oor waar hulle hulle syfers kry nie, dit wil blyk ek is ook geignoreer na my vraag oor Whitegenocide.
My waarneming is dus dan dat Oase Syfers rondgooi wat eerstens nie sin maak nie, tweedens nie deur Oase bewys kan word nie.
My Finale Waarneming is dat OASE Hulle self dan in die kamp plaas van die partye wat White Genocide in Suid Afrika ONTKEN.??

Friday, November 8, 2013

Some 8million foreign Africans or more..  may have already strolled into SA since 1994: where they set up their own little ethnic-Bantustan enclaves in squatter-camps countrywide
May 11 2013 - Thousands of black-African foreigners flock daily to South Africa to seek a 'better life'. Many end up as beggars on the streets, setting up their own little 'Bantustan' ethnic-enclaves in sprawling shanty-towns around all the major cities -- and survive in a life of often very violent crime. The biggest migration in the world is now quietly taking place in South Africa. Many millions of famished, terrified Zimbabweans and other destitute Africans continue to stream into South Africa,
Estimates range from five million to eight million illegal migrants from the rest of Africa living in South Africa. They flock in  from  many African countries - Somalia and Nigeria to Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Swaziland and Lesotho. They often have to dodge dangerous wildlife such as man-eating lion prides who became used to their presence - and crocodiles. "Strolling" is the operative word: as this video shows for instance, how easy it is for Zimbabweans to enter South Africa illegally by simply walking across a shallow portion of the Limpopo River. In Oct 2009, the SA home office already reported a backlog of 640,000 'asylum seekers' which would take thirty years to clear up.  And meanwhile, South African whites are also fleeing the country of their birth in large numbers. link and link
Strolling across the border into South Africa:
It is estimated that South Africa harbours at least Five-million to Eight-million migrants.  And the ANC-regime's own incredible greed is the only reason for this tsunami of under-educated, unemployable black Africans flooding into South Africa and adding an increasingly unbearable burden on all its resources. These migrants also are beginning to form organised criminal gangs which work together with criminal SA police officers, adding to the country's violent-crime rates.    It came to light this week when nine SAPS officers were arrested, that the ANC-controlled officials earned at least R100,000 a day stamping 'tourists' passports in exchange for R150 each. The migrants arrive by the busloads. And It is believed that at least three million of these "tourists' are Zimbabweans (pop. 12,5-million in 2008). South Africa keeps boasting about its ' soaring tourism trade '. How many of these 'tourists' however ever return to their countries of origin?
Xenophobic violence against black African foreigners forces self-protection enclaves: i.e. 'ethnic mini-Bantustans'
The Zimbabweans ifteb apply for political asylum: many arrived to escape the political and economic instability caused by Robert Mugabe's government. But South Africa is now becoming equally violent and unstable. To protect themselves from xenophobic violence by local Black South Africans, many migrants are banding together in their own little ethnic enclaves.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Australia Grond eise

Australia dalk nie so goeie heenkome vir Afrikaner Vlugtelinge nie. Australia
Grond-eise deur die Aboriginals.